Caso positivo al Covid-19 tra i marinai della nave americana ormeggiata a Gaeta.
E’ sulla pagina facebook della USS Mount Whitney che viene divulgata l’informazione in cui un marinaio risulterebbe positivo al Covid-19 e che in via precauzionale anche altre 5 persone sono state messe in isolamento fuori la nave per 14 giorni.
Il marinaio è in auto-isolamento conformemente alle linee guida per il controllo e la prevenzione delle malattie e viene monitorato dal personale medico.
From the USS Mount Whitney CO:
“Team Mount Whitney,
We received notification today that a Sailor, who was in the process of checking aboard, has tested positive for COVID-19. The Sailor is feeling better but remains in self-isolation in accordance with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Guidelines and continues to be monitored by medical personnel. Fortunately, since our crew had already established social distancing and other Corona virus precautions, no personnel were identified as having had close contact with this service member. However, out of an abundance of caution, 5 personnel who were involved in the check-in process have been isolated off-ship for 14 days. We have also re-sanitized all areas of the ship that could have been affected. I sincerely appreciate how well the entire crew has handled this situation. The health and safety of the crew remain my highest priority.”
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